Thursday, March 2, 2006

Vegetables, or Veggie Tales

From Wikipedia:
Vegetable is a culinary term denoting any part of a plant that is commonly consumed by humans as food, but is not regarded as a culinary grain, fruit, nut, herb, or spice.

These include leaf vegetables (e.g. lettuce), stem vegetables (asparagus), root vegetables (carrot) and flower vegetables (broccoli), and botanical fruits such as cucumbers, squashes, pumpkins, avocados, capsicums, et cetera, as well as botanical pulses like green beans, and fleshy, immature seeds such as those of peas or beans.

Vegetable is not a botanical term and so there is no contradiction in a plant part being a fruit botanically while still being considered a vegetable.

Puzzling Evidence from Veggie Tales that documents again that Edgy is the center of the universe.


  1. Hm. Perhaps it would be in Edgy's best interest to promote the eating of vegetables.

  2. Fobby, perhaps that's what Edgy's doing by giving up vegetables for Lent. He is bringing awareness to them.

    Next month it will be Tylenol. Because word verification (tlnol) says so.

  3. Absent-minded became aware last night that hours of Veggie Tales can always make everything all better. (when is Will and Grace on again?)

  4. Edgy would have no idea when Will and Grace is on because Edgy only knows what the TiVo tells him. *sigh* TiVo = Happiness.

    However, Edgy did discover while perusing one of the many blogs he follows that Carol Burnett will play Bree's stepmother on Desperate Housewives. The glee and excitement he felt is indescribable.
