Thursday, May 25, 2006

Not Forgetting That It Is the Month O' Edgy

If you are looking for a way to continue the celebration of Month O' Edgy listen to this broadcast of The 9 Beet Stretch. The 9 Beet Stretch is a recording of Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony stretched to 24 hours. This has been streaming continuously on the internet since the Day O' Edgy 2005. Apparently, the Day O' Edgy is the anniversary of the premeire of Beethoven's 9th Symphony in Vienna in 1824.

Take a moment and ponder the weirdness, but don't listen too long, Edgy has not endorsed this form of celebration for Month O' Edgy. But, maybe he will be happy that my 200th post is about him.


  1. See . . . The Day o' Edgy (and related Month o' Edgy) is all sorts of coolness.

    Edgy will endorse this form of celebration.

    Who will also be quite pleases that post 200 is about him.

    What a happy day!
