Monday, June 19, 2006

In the meantime...

I am working on a very important post about the difference between Summer Solstice and Midsummer, and the appropriate way to celebrate each.

This has taken up my free time for the past four days... and to be perfectly honest I have had more fun helping Edgy pack his books then looking up all the differences between the two holidays.

In the meantime, here is a picture of my niece after dining on sand again. Apparently, she likes it.


  1. If you missed the solstice, there's still some time to do something pagan.

    If you don't, Odin will be displeased.

  2. Thank goodness we didn't miss solstice. We don't want to risk the wrath of Odin.

  3. If she lives near a coast, she'll never go hungry.

  4. She is 45 miles away from the ocean, which might be a trek if she had to go afoot on her search for sand-food, but not so very far when she falls asleep in the carseat behind her parents.
