Tuesday, November 21, 2006

World Hello Day, National Pumpkin Pie Day, November 21st

World Hello Day

Today is the 34th annual World Hello Day. To celebrate today you simply need to greet ten people with the simple world "hello." Why? To encourage world peace through personal interaction.

National Pumpkin Pie Day

Why should you eat pumpkin pie? Because 1 cup of pumpkin puree contains:

80 Calories
No Cholesterol
Less than 1 gram of fat
588 milligrams of Potassium
2.4 grams of Protein
310% of RDA for Vitamin A, &
20% of RDA for Vitamin C

I dare any other pie ingredient to try to be so healthy. And pumpkins were once believed to get rid of freckles. So, if you have some extra pie filling left, spread a little on your face for a healthy facial.

Yum, yum. I can't wait!

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