Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day! Vote! Vote! Vote! November 4th

Although I am emotionally exhausted by all the political rhetoric over the last 20 months, I am thrilled that the candidates of this election have inspired so many people to become engaged in the political process. (Also, I am as excited as Neel Mehta is to see what will happen to the business-as-usual political process) and if this election will scare baby boomers out of their comfort zone in any way. Really, the combination of engaged young voters, and disengaged senior voters... suddenly, baby boomers don't have as much political power as they have held for years and anything could happen. Anything. I mean anything! Even to the point that I could even give ol' George W. some credit for Obama's success! (Credit via Don King. Thanks! Soccer Dad for the info!)

For the record, I will be voting for Obama. (Happy Birthday Mister Fob) and I would encourage everyone to do the same. Most because my birthday was last week, and it would be a wonderful gift to have someone I vote for win an election! (Especially since my vote is a throwaway vote.) I have not had a single person that I have voted for in the last three years win. I work in the most conservative City, and live in the most conservative county, which is in the most conservative state of these United States. I have absolutely no voice!

Regardless of who you vote for, after you vote, you deserve a treat; especially after dealing with 20 months of rhetoric (Edgy, it's almost done!) without letting it beat you down into an abyss of depression and catatonia. So, while wearing you "I Voted" sticker, treat yourself to:

So, go forth, and have a Happy Election Day!


Soccer Dad said...

I work in the most liberal City, which is in the most liberal state of these United States. I have absolutely no voice!


(BTW, thanks for the link!)

Laura said...

My baby ate my "I Voted" sticker. Do you think Ben & Jerry's would take my word for it?

And congratulations, Absent!

Erin aka- absent-minded secretary said...

Soccer Dad:You have more red counties in Maryland than Utah has blue counties. I'm sorry, though, that you haven't a voice. I feel your pain. Truly. The fact that Pizza-gate-Curt-Bramble is going to be re-elected takes the shine off of the Obama victory tonight. Stupid Bramble.

Laura, don't tell Ben and Jerry's that you have a baby! They have been talking about breast milk ice cream! They might abscond with your breasts! I am sure that you can get some ice cream if you take someone else's sticker after they use it. :)

Erin aka- absent-minded secretary said...

Soccer Dad:You have more red counties in Maryland than Utah has blue counties. I'm sorry, though, that you haven't a voice. I feel your pain. Truly. The fact that Pizza-gate-Curt-Bramble is going to be re-elected takes the shine off of the Obama victory tonight. Stupid Bramble.

Laura, don't tell Ben and Jerry's that you have a baby! They have been talking about breast milk ice cream! They might abscond with your breasts! I am sure that you can get some ice cream if you take someone else's sticker after they use it. :)

Laura said...

I'm not sure how they would be able to abscond with my breasts. But then it has been a long time since high school anatomy/ physiology.
Maybe if I suggest a trade- some of the frozen breast milk in my freezer (which is just getting in the way of ice cream storage) for some Phish Food?