Thursday, August 31, 2006

September is...

September is, now the ninth month of the year, was named because it fell as the seventh month in the Roman calendar. The Dutch call it "fish month," and the Saxons, "Gerst-monath" (barley-month), or Hærfest-monath (harvest month), the Irish called it "the month of plenty", and the Welsh, "the month of reaping." In Slovakia September is "the time when the goats rut," and in Russia September is "the gloomy month or the month of dirt," but I think the Polish say it best when they call it "Old Women's Summer."

The weather traditions for September are:

  • "If it be fair on the first day of September, it will remain so at least to the beginning of October."
  • If the squirrels are burying lots of nuts in September, we'll have a hard winter
The full moon names for September are:
  • Full Harvest Moon
  • Full Corn Moon
  • Full Barley Moon
  • Wine Moon
  • Singing Moon
  • Sturgeon Moon
  • Haligmonath (Holy Month)
  • Witumanoth (Wood Month)
  • Moon When Deer Paw the Earth
In September, Jupiter is something you should look for in the night sky. Other than the Moon, Jupiter shines brighter than anything. Jupiter is so bright because it is at opposition. This is a position similar to when we view a full Moon and like a full Moon, Jupiter will rise in the east at sunset, which makes it cconvenient to plan your night viewing trips. Don't forget the binoculars or a small telescope, because with them you can easily see the four big moons of Jupiter.

The Fall Equinox will be on September 23, 12:03
A.M. EDT. More about that as it approaches, but put it on your calendar now so you don't miss it!

September is...

Fall Hat Month, Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month (Check the link for ways to be kind.), Library Card Sign-Up Month, Metaphysical Awareness Month, Read-A-New-Book Month, Sea Cadet Month, National Literacy Month, Children's Eye Health And Safety Month, Children's Good Manners Month, Marrow Donor Awareness Month, Modern Rock Month, National Chicken Month, National Cholesterol Education Month, National Coupon Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, National Honey Month, National Little League Month, National Mushroom Month, National Organic Harvest Month, National Piano Month, Wild Rice Month, National School Success Month, National Sickle Cell Month, National Sight Saving Month, Save the Tiger Month, Southern Gospel Music Month, Stop The Violence And Save Our Kids Month, National Sight Saving Month, National Youth Activities Month, National Rehabilitation Month, Great American Breakfast Month, National Gum Care Month, Baby Safety Month, College Savings Month, Hug a Texas Chef Month (Can Texans
be more annoying?), Self Awareness Month, Internet Safety Month, Biscuit Month, Childhood Injury Month, National Sewing Month, National Youth Pastors Appreciation Month, National Ovarian Cancer Month, National Please Your Mate Month or Pleasure Your Mate Month, Update Your Resume Month, Healthy Aging Month, Childhood Cancer Month, Pediculosis Prevention Month, Potato Month, Pain Awareness Month, Self-Improvement Month, United Planet Month, National Shameless Promotions Month, National Subliminal Marketing Month, Humor in Business Month, Classical Music Month, Civics Awareness Month, International People Skills Month, International Square Dancing Month, International Gay Square Dance Month, Blueberry Popsicle Month, Cable TV Month (Do not celebrate this- celebrate Read-A-New-Book-Month!), and Reunion Planning Month (Perfect timing for all those people moving away... plan now when you are to come back!)

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